Samstag, Juli 30, 2005

Blick herab... - Looking Down...

Blick herab... - Looking Down...
Originally uploaded by

...zum Zentrum der Blüte.

...To The Center Of The Petal

If you...

Wenn Ihr... - If you...
Originally uploaded by

If you also want to feel as a guest on this flower please enjoy a bigger size. :)

New digital cam

Originally uploaded by jens0565.

Do you know this? You take pictures with your actual cam, but you are in the opinion your pictures are not good enough anymore because there is a problem: you like to take macro shots but you can't get close enough to the object that you can see each detail sharp and clearly...also after making a cut out..

I also had this problem, and if I wanted to take macro pictures I had to take the digital cam of employer. But last Sunday, I decided not to use this cam anymore for private things and to buy an own digital cam finally. After doing a lot of researches at the internet and catalogues, I decided for a NIKON Coolpix 4600 because I could find there a lot of extra programs and the detail list was not so patchy ...and if you already can find the details you are looking for, I'm sure you also would decide for this product because it's simply user friendly. Do you agree?Another reason to decide for this cam was, this camera is reasonably priced with all it's functions.

So I ordered this camera immediately on Sunday.

On Thursday, when I came from work to enjoy my lunch break the postman ...ok, it's a woman...brought this cam. But I only could unpack this cam because my lunch break was almost over.

But in the evening, I took some first pictures in the garden...and after taking the first pictures I was really glad about this decision because the result of pictures was more than satisfying for me, although I did something wrong at first...not to use automatic if I want to take macro pictures. :) Sometimes it's better to use the manual of a new product at first. :).... and here you can see some results of taking pictures from Thursday to today I hope you'll like and enjoy these. :)

The complete scene of the picture above

Originally uploaded by jens0565.

Seite...- Side...

Seite...- Side...
Originally uploaded by jens0565. Seite :)

...By Side :)

Dienstag, Juli 26, 2005

Kitten In House

Originally uploaded by jens0565.

From July 17 there are these two lovely kitten in house...They arrived one week earlier because my father couldn't refuse the request of my niece Luise to bring the kitten from my sisters place. :)

...and because, it's difficult taking pictures of both kitten together so I created this composition. :)

Samstag, Juli 23, 2005

Passion flower

Ein winziger... - A tiny
Originally uploaded by

Since a while there is this flower blooming in garden of my parents. It's name is Passion Flower (German=Passionsblume). When I saw it first time I couldn't hesitate taking a picture because it looks so beautiful, and another reaso I like this flower because it also looks like an Indian ornament. Do you agree? And if you'll get closer you also can see a tiny guest. :) That's why I also named this picture "A Tiny Guest On Passionflower - Ein winziger Gast auf der Passionsblume".

Samstag, Juli 16, 2005

Happy Birthday dear Rika...

and for enjoying this wonderful friendship to you. I wish you health, success and happiness all the time and that all your beautiful dreams and wishes come true you are dreaming about and you want to realize. Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, Juli 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by jens0565.

Let's stand together against all kind of terrorism, prejudice and violence...wherever we live. We only have this one world and one life. We can do a lot.

"Lets paint our hands in white (as the people from Spain did it last year, just after the Madrid`s bombs) and post in our pages tomorrow, saturday.
If you like the idea, please, be free to copy it and spread the word to your friends and contacts...

Words: Frederico Mendes

July 7th: The world profounds sadness...

July 7th: The world profounds sadness...
Originally uploaded by jens0565.

because it has gotten much darker.
In remembrance of the victims of London bomb attacks on July 7th
- NO Chance For Terrorism -

Sonntag, Juli 03, 2005

In the garden...

Everytime, when I have to work on weekend with cam for sports club I take it home with me because it's much better than my cam if I want have macros or cutouts. So I did this weekend again and took some pictures in my parents garden.

detail 1 ... most people say this is the most beautiful cut out. Posted by Picasa

detail 2 Posted by Picasa

detail 3 Posted by Picasa

...and this is the whole scene. :) Posted by Picasa