Freitag, Oktober 07, 2005

As I told you I've been to marsh area where the cranes meet on Tuesday.

May these cranes bring health and happiness back again to all the people who have to bear a sickness and need attendance + encouragement. Posted by Picasa

Mittwoch, Oktober 05, 2005

Marsh Area "Langenhägener Seewiesen" - A Place Where Cranes Meet

Yesterday, I drove to a marsh area called "Langenhägener Seewiesen". This place is near my home town Lübz and well known for its cranes which meet there before flying to Spain, Portugal and the nort of Africa. As you can see you also can enjoy wonderful sunsets.

I also tried taking pictures of flying cranes. If the pictures are well done I'll also post these here. Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, Oktober 02, 2005

It's wonderful to see morning dew on spiders web at this time. I've picked up this picture when I've been to the sports ground this morning taking a team picture of a junior soccer team. Posted by Picasa