Sonntag, September 25, 2005

...and butterflies in the garden. :) Posted by Picasa

Although it's already autumn but it's wonderful to see bumble bees .... Posted by Picasa

For a lot of spiders and their webs we call summerlike weather in September "indian summer" (Altweibersommer) here because against sunlight gossamer look like hair of old women. Posted by Picasa

Mittwoch, September 14, 2005

Enjoying butterflies in our surrounding let us see, it' s still summer and it doesn't want to pass by so quickly. :) Posted by Picasa

Donnerstag, September 08, 2005

Although it's close to the end of Summer, but if you have immortelle (German: Strohblume) in your garden you can see a lot of butterflies around them these day. This butterfly is called "Kleiner Fuchs" (Small Tortoiseshell). Posted by Picasa